These are some helpful resources we have collected over the years that may be helpful to other breeders. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out.
A helpful calculator to track where your mares pregnancy is at and what vaccinations are due.
Click Here
A convenient chart to keep track of your mares mammary development.
Keep this at your mares stall on a clipboard to keep track of your mare and foals delivery milestones.
We use this calculator to estimate our mares due dates based on 340 days post ovulation.
This is the only calcium test we use on our mares. It is incredibly accurate!
Any digital PH tester will work, but this is the one we have. You can get them on Amazon.
Use this form if you need to update your shipping address for semen
A handy document you can provide your breeding manager or vet so they know how to order semen.
This form must be included with all breeding contracts
All fees associated with breeding to Cosmeo
Commercial invoice for returning the equitainer
Directions to Keystone Farms